Media Staff
Dave MullEditor - Lakeland Boating Magazine, Great Lakes Angler Magazine & Blog
Dave has been editor of Great Lakes Angler Magazine since the year 2000 and loves to interview Mark Martin about fishing. He and Mark have been friends since the late 1980s, when Dave first started covering walleye tournaments and working as a field editor for the In-Fisherman Walleye In-Sider. He was lucky enough to be the observer for Mark on the second day of his win at the inaugural Professional Walleye Trail Championship in 1990 and helped edit two of Mark's books. Mull has freelanced for numerous magazines and is a seminar speaker on Great Lakes topics. He is also an avid gardener, waterfowler and upland bird hunter, selling stories on those pursuits as well. He resides with his wife, two stepsons, six dogs, six cats, three goats, numerous chickens and ducks as well as a mean goose and a Netherlands Dwarf rabbit on a small hobby farm in Paw Paw, Michigan.